What were Chester's greatest achievements so far?

Steven Waldman
We were visiting my parents in Great Barrington. Chester was sitting guard at the front door, when an actual bear walked by. Chester barked -- and the bear went away. So after years of barking at shadows, ants, cats and squirrels, for one precious moment, Chester got to protect us from a genuine wild animal.

Who were Chester's enemies?

Steven Waldman
Monty, who bit him
Winston (everybody's scared of Winston)

What are some of Chester's nicknames?

Steven Waldman
Flumper McGinty
Chester McFlumple
Lil pup
King of sock mountain

What's the dumbest thing Chester does?

What have you learned from Chester?

What does Chester love?

What have been some of your happiest moments together?

How has Chester changed over the years you've known each other?

Post photos showing Chester's different haristyles over the years

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